Sunday, November 12, 2006, posted by Q6 at 10:56 PM
I have, in the past, been accused of being indecisive. Former wives, friends, co-workers--even my children--have, at one time or another, complained that I can't make a decision on my own. They'd have all been very proud of me this last weekend. I spent the whole time making decisions, and all thanks to three little words:

"I don't care."

Here's the razor's edge I've been walking lately: it's always been my goal to make things as pleasant as possible for the people around me. For that, I need input . . . so I ask questions. I try to learn from the answers so I can do better next time. I'm not great at it, and I suck even more at picking up clues. And when I get "I don't care," I have to take a stab at it for myself. It's probably a good thing, really--it gives me chance to learn from experience rather than playing it safe. I heard a lot of "I don't care" from the people around me this weekend (and I'm not complaining--it's better than not having them there at all), and it just seemed like no one would throw me a bone on any of it.

So here's my plan from now on--instead of focusing more on the people around me than myslef, I'm going to go 50/50, and in some cases weigh it in my favor. If they don't like something, they'll say so, and I'll have my input. When they don't like it, I'll cope. When they like it, cool. Either way, I'll learn something along the way. Life's like that.

Cool, huh? My own little "self-help" moment, brought to you by my loved ones.

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Is there something I could have done differently? Do now?
