Tuesday, September 26, 2006, posted by Q6 at 5:14 AM
I've got a fourteen year-old-son. That should say it all, really, but this is a blog, so I'll elaborate.

If my mom is reading this, she'll be happy to hear me concede that there were times I was not the easiest teenager to get along with. Teenagers (and I work with them, so I see this all the time) don't necessarily think that they're invulnerable, but they do feel an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, especially amongst adults who are in a postition of authority. That being said, I'll be blunt: my son has been something of a pain in the ass of late. I don't completely blame him, to be honest; he's never been through this time in his life, and he's doing the best he can. Very rarely (until lately) have I had to use my "parent-voice" to get him to do something, or not do something, or go back and do something again. I get more attitude, more complaints, and less of what I'm looking for around the house.

Of course, all of his teachers have nothing but good things to say about him; he is now (and for the first time) completing his homework neatly, correctly, and on time; he's participating in school events, like going to football games and getting involved in the drama program. Everything I used to get at home is now playing out at school, and vice versa.

So at the same time I could complain about his demeanor and habit at home, I could praise him to no end for his improvement at school. THAT statement alone now demonstrates to me the causes of my mom's frustration while I was growing up. I now understand the root causes of the parents' manta, "I can't win."

Can you hear my mom laughing? I can . . . now.