Does anyone remember that old Sesame Street game, "One of These Things Just Doesn't Belong Here?" (For those that do, sorry for putting that tune in your head.) Here's what I saw on my drive to work this morning: there's a bicycle/jogging path that runs alongside the road to my office, and in addition to cyclists and joggers I saw a guy on a Segway.
Now I'm all in favor of technology making people's lives better. I think that it's great that this guy (a young guy) was out taking in the morning air. I thought the helmet was a bit much, but whatever. Here's the thing that gets me: that path is meant for some sort of exercise. He wants to drive along and take in the morning, cool; he wants to use his toy, no problem; can he do it on a path that doesn't suggest sweat, exertion, and muscle development?
Said the guy burning 30 miles a gallon.