Monday, December 08, 2008, posted by Q6 at 5:21 AM
Among the wedding gifts from this summer were a blender and a breadmaker. I am in heaven.

For the last several weeks I've been making my own white bread (and attempting wheat bread). I now make my own pizza dough, and for Thanksgiving I brought the Parmesan-Garlic Rolls. I'm looking at a half dozen other recipies for flavored breads and doughs. My life will be filled with tasty carbs from now on!

The blender is more complicated than I thought (the recipies, not the operation). I've had to learn the finer differences between cubed and crushed ice, what vanilla extract actually does to a potion, yogurt-to-juice ratios, and the half-life of beaten egg whites. The egg white thing paid off, though--I found a recipe for the old Orange Julius drinks I used to get at the mall. Delicious!

My wife is now starting to use the new stand mixer as well, so soon my life will be filled with cookies!

Yep . . . there's some technology I can get behind.

At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

There's some technology that will give me a behind.

Oh, wait. That's not what you said!


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Who knew you could be so domesticated?!