As an educator, I look forward to vacations just as much as anyone. Spring Break as now come to an end, and I must report back to work in the morning. I didn't get everything done that I wanted to this week, but I did manage to accomplish several important things (including a fun little trip into L.A.) and I feel a little refreshed. A little too refreshed. If this is what retirees or lottery winners feel like, I could get used to this.
I will return to work tomorrow with a strong resolve to develop my personal time and use it much better. I intend to read more regularly, to work on my house, to blog more often, and to do things I haven't found the motivation to do in recent months. My job is draining--more recently than ever before--and I've let it affect too much my overall mood. My hope is to feel better about my personal life and not let my professional one consume me. It's a job, after all, and it's not all that I am.