Thankfully, many people have stopped making turning forty sound like some really big deal. It'll happen to me next month, and I'm really quite comfortable with it. It is a milestone, however, and I've been thinking about how to mark it.
Now, I suppose I really don't have to do anything. The proverbial "mid-life crisis" is now somewhat passe, and you don't see a whole lot of the behavior as you did in years past (or,maybe you do and I'm just too old to notice it anymore). It seems to me, however, that turning forty used to drive people (men) to do things to regain their youth; whereas these days, I think we've come to the conclusion that forty really still is pretty young, so no youth needs to be grasped at. Still, I'm thinking I should do something.*
I thought about getting a second tattoo. I've had it in mind for a while (in fact, I've been putting it off for a couple of years now, though I couldn't tell you why). It's not something that marks my fortieth birthday, it's more of a nod to my children . . . and maybe it's still not the right time to give them that particular nod (that's a matter for another blog post).
I've shaved off my moustache and beard for Spring Break, but I don't think I can go with that. First, it was the only hair I had on my head and without it I look pretty naked--almost mannequin-like. Second, after I did it my wife said I looked 12; looking younger isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's not the goal here. Third, it's taking ME the longest to get used to it, and I'm not liking that very much.
At one point I considered getting my nipple pierced. Strange as it sounds, though, I just don't think I've got the nipples for it. I researched it at one point and found that it might not actually work on me. (Besides, the idea of a nipple ring is just as good; at work, in some regular conversation, try to off-handedly throw in a "yeah, but it interferes with my nipple ring" and then move on. It's fun.)
I've spoken a couple of times about getting my ear pierced again.** I'm thinking of just a small silver hoop that unobtrusively cradles the earlobe. It wouldn't be anything gaudy, but it would unintentionally complete a pirate resemblance (bald head, goatee, and an earring). I've been asked several questions on this topic: "What reasons are there for doing it?" "Why do you feel you need that?" "Have you considered what they'll think at work, or how it might be percieved professionally?" And, of course, the other side spoke up as well: "Can you think of a reason not to get your ear pierced?" So I'm not sure about this, either. I don't have compelling reasons for or against it, really, so maybe that's not the move, either.
So aside from the normal trappings of a birthday (cards, well wishes, "Yes, you still have to go to work today"), this one may pass just as quietly as others have.
* There won't be any huge party for my fortieth, that much I know. Being the Douglas Adams fan that I am, I'm waiting for my forty-second birthday to throw that particular bash.
** Does the first time even count? It was the summer after my junior year in high school, and I think I kept the little gold stud in there for only 12 or 14 hours. It just wasn't "me." It may still not be me; I don't know.